These are the current compatible games that have been tested with the emulator. This list is subject to change frequently.
Be sure to check this page often to follow the latest updates.
Clicking on a game's ID will redirect you to the respective forum thread, clicking the title will redirect you to the respective wiki page.
Online-only games and applications on Intro, Loadable and Nothing statuses are listed with a network online-only icon and not part of any game count.
Playable (69.53%):
Games that can be completed with playable performance and no game breaking glitchesIngame (28.17%):
Games that either can't be finished, have serious glitches or have insufficient performanceIntro (2.3%):
Games that display image but don't make it past the menusLoadable (0%):
Games that display a black screen with a framerate on the window's titleNothing (0%):
Games that don't initialize properly, not loading at all and/or crashing the emulatorAvailable updates for NPJB00511, latest patchset T5:
- Update v01.04 (100.74 MB)
【Ver.1.04 アップデート内容】
Available updates for BLUS31402, latest patchset T0:
- Update v01.01 (48.74 MB)
【Ver 1.01 Update Contents】
・The addition of "view all" and "filter" functions for weapon selection
・The addition of the ability to see which difficulty levels of a particular stage that you have cleared in
Free Mode on the Battle Results Screen
・Options have been expanded when fusing weapons so that secret and unique weapons can also be selected
・The ability to reset personal bests in Challenge Mode
・In the stage “Battle of Baidi Castle,” a glitch that caused the game to freeze when destroying the
enemy ballista from aboard the transport ship has been fixed
・A bug that prevented battles from starting when the supporting officer has been set to Cao Mao has been fixed
・A bug due to having interim save data where a character is wearing a DLC costume that caused DLC data to be
deleted and stages to crash when restarted has been fixed
・Bugs that prevented progress in certain stages have been fixed
・The adjustment of the number of enemies that appear in Free Mode only stages
・Additional game balance adjustments and bug fixes