Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack In Time [BCUS98124]
Started by GrantKane

16 posts in this topic

2 posts 0 threads Joined: Jan 2021
02-01-2021, 04:50 PM -
While technically playable (9700k, 1660Super, 16gb 3400 cl15), there are quite a lot of graphical issues, and performance is pretty sub-par. It sticks to 60 most of the time, but it is very easily slowed down.

List of graphical issues:
Particle effects are seemingly entirely missing
Flickering textures
Some weird bloom effects or something that flicker around the screen in several areas
Various shader effects seem broken, such as with water (water was similarly weird looking in Tools of Destruction [BCES00052] and Quest for Booty [BCES00301])

Wouldn't really recommend trying to play this in it's current state as it won't be a very enjoyable experience, nor would it present the game as originally intended. Hopefully things can be fixed soon, or fixes are found.

1 posts 0 threads Joined: Feb 2021
02-05-2021, 02:09 AM -
(02-01-2021, 04:50 PM)OddCoward Wrote: While technically playable (9700k, 1660Super, 16gb 3400 cl15), there are quite a lot of graphical issues, and performance is pretty sub-par. It sticks to 60 most of the time, but it is very easily slowed down.

List of graphical issues:
Particle effects are seemingly entirely missing
Flickering textures
Some weird bloom effects or something that flicker around the screen in several areas
Various shader effects seem broken, such as with water (water was similarly weird looking in Tools of Destruction [BCES00052] and Quest for Booty [BCES00301])

Wouldn't really recommend trying to play this in it's current state as it won't be a very enjoyable experience, nor would it present the game as originally intended. Hopefully things can be fixed soon, or fixes are found.

Same issue for me.

(Ryzen7 3700x, RTX 3060Ti, DDR4 3200mhz)

It scares me that this problem has not been solved yet, it makes me think it is not solvable.

Good luck to the developers. Thanks so much.

1 posts 0 threads Joined: Aug 2020
05-20-2021, 10:13 PM -
I can play the game for several minutes, sometimes crashing, the animations of the shots are absent, but nothing that gets in the way of the gameplay.

Below a video of the configuration used and 15 minutes of gameplay.


Sorry for bad English

3 posts 0 threads Joined: Dec 2020
09-02-2021, 05:20 PM -

Effects and projectiles are now visible but game crashes often.

"Some thread has probably deadlocked" Error message

Troubleshooting steps have already been made, crashes only appear to happen when effects are on screen.

It should be mentioned that the game is theoretically playable start to finish, assuming it never crashes. Which at the moment, is not the case.

After continuing to play, some planets crash more than others. I've managed to play for entire planets without a single crash only to crash the beginning of the next. It seems to be random and your mileage may vary. Beating the game in its current state is very possible though very annoying.

I can confirm, the game is "playable" from start to finish. Freezes and crashes are too common to consider this truly playable quite yet.
This post was last modified: 09-20-2021, 03:12 PM by emanshea. Edit Reason: Addendum

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8 posts 1 threads Joined: May 2022
03-06-2023, 12:07 AM -
Wanted to come in and say what amazing progress is being made with this game. I played it last summer and it was crashing every five minutes with missing textures and whatnot. Suffice it to say it was not that enjoyable of an experience. But now I started a new playthrough and it's been almost 4 fours with only two crashes! I'm also not seeing any graphical bugs beyond the occasional texture flicker. The game looks gorgeous! Keep up the great work and this game might be considered playable very soon IMO!

CPU: Intel i3-12100F
GPU: GTX 3060ti
RAM: 16GB DDR4 3200
OS: Windows 10 64 bit

RPCS3 v0.0.27-14793-92ae57c9 Alpha | master

EDIT: Forgot to add my settings are default besides what's recommended: Anti-Aliasing set to Auto and Read Color Buffers ON. I also have the Resolution Scale set to 150% (1080p). I'm also playing on a NVME SDD drive if that matters. Last summer I was using a much slower mechanical HDD.
This post was last modified: 03-06-2023, 12:44 AM by morglkorg.

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8 posts 1 threads Joined: May 2022
03-07-2023, 01:54 AM -
Of course after typing that it freezes like three time during the battle at Krell Canyon. Rolleyes

Log file showing a lot of "RSX: Dubious query data pushed to cond render!, Please report to developers(q.pending=1)"

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6 posts 4 threads Joined: Aug 2024
09-20-2024, 04:26 AM -
Played through the entire main game as well as collected every Zoni and Gold Bolt. It crashed around 5-7 times in that entire playthrough. Surprisingly only one of those was at Krell Canyon. Otherwise they seemed to happen at certain trigger/cutscene points.
The frames would start chugging when most fights happened or I pulled out the RYNO V. At its worst the FPS would dip into the single digits, but it mostly stayed above 45 fps. During the Vorselon invasion at the beginning, my fps would dip into the 20's.
I should also note I'm playing at 1440p resolution. Otherwise I follow the wiki's recommended settings with everything else stock.

I ran on V0.0.33-16934-5b5bfaf6 Alpha.
PC Specs are:
RTX 3070 140W
32 GB 2933 MHz RAM
2x 2TB NVMe SSD's

There was a weird glitch when meeting Azimuth for the first time. On the grind rail, there's a particular spot where you have to jump to avoid an obstacle, but the rail also curves right after that. And jumping at the wrong time consistently causes Ratchet to lose "connection" with the rail, making him easily miss the rail and fall to his death.
I believe I had to jump particularly early to avoid that glitch. I don't recall ever dealing with that on the PS3.

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