Zone of the Enders HD Collection [BLES01756]
Started by eoiz

3 posts in this topic

05-21-2017, 03:28 PM -
Shows the intro without sound, then freezes.

Tested in d5107aa.


PPU: Recompiler (also tried interpreter but freezes when selecting the game)
SPU: Recompiler

LLE Modules


- OpenGL
- 1280x720
- Off (Frame limit)


- XAudio2

Quote:RPCS3 v0.0.2-3-d5107aa Alpha
E {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x0009b548]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo: bad compression mode! (10)
E {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x0009b548]} 'sys_prx_get_module_id_by_name' failed with 0x8001112e : CELL_PRX_ERROR_UNKNOWN_MODULE
E {PPU[0x1000006] Thread (AK::BankManager) [0x00116ba4]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(“/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/sound/PS3/English(US)/Init.bnk”): failed to open file (flags=0, mode=0)
E {PPU[0x1000006] Thread (AK::BankManager) [0x00116ba4]} 'sys_fs_open' failed with 0x80010006 : CELL_ENOENT
E {PPU[0x1000006] Thread (AK::BankManager) [0x00116ba4]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(“/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/sound/PS3/English(US)/global_sfx.bnk”): failed to open file (flags=0, mode=0)
E {PPU[0x1000006] Thread (AK::BankManager) [0x00116ba4]} 'sys_fs_open' failed with 0x80010006 : CELL_ENOENT
E {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x01b2bda8]} 'sys_prx_get_module_id_by_name' failed with 0x8001112e : CELL_PRX_ERROR_UNKNOWN_MODULE
E {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x01b27088]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo: bad compression mode! (10)
E {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x01b26e88]} cellGame: cellGameBootCheck(): Unknown CATEGORY:
E {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x01b26ea0]} 'cellGameContentPermit' failed with 0x8002cb22 : CELL_GAME_ERROR_FAILURE
E {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x01b2bda8]} 'sys_prx_get_module_id_by_name' failed with 0x8001112e : CELL_PRX_ERROR_UNKNOWN_MODULE
E {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x0009b548]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo: bad compression mode! (10)
E {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x0009b548]} 'sys_prx_get_module_id_by_name' failed with 0x8001112e : CELL_PRX_ERROR_UNKNOWN_MODULE
E {PPU[0x1000006] Thread (AK::BankManager) [0x00116ba4]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(“/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/sound/PS3/English(US)/Init.bnk”): failed to open file (flags=0, mode=0)
E {PPU[0x1000006] Thread (AK::BankManager) [0x00116ba4]} 'sys_fs_open' failed with 0x80010006 : CELL_ENOENT
E {PPU[0x1000006] Thread (AK::BankManager) [0x00116ba4]} sys_fs: sys_fs_open(“/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/sound/PS3/English(US)/global_sfx.bnk”): failed to open file (flags=0, mode=0)
E {PPU[0x1000006] Thread (AK::BankManager) [0x00116ba4]} 'sys_fs_open' failed with 0x80010006 : CELL_ENOENT
E {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c6dda8]} 'sys_prx_get_module_id_by_name' failed with 0x8001112e : CELL_PRX_ERROR_UNKNOWN_MODULE
E {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c69088]} cellGcmSys: cellGcmSetTileInfo: bad compression mode! (10)
E {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c68e88]} cellGame: cellGameBootCheck(): Unknown CATEGORY:
E {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x00c68ea0]} 'cellGameContentPermit' failed with 0x8002cb22 : CELL_GAME_ERROR_FAILURE

107 posts 22 threads Joined: Oct 2017
10-17-2017, 11:42 PM -
looking at the folder with
in it, there are some .cnf files which seemed odd...
looking at "usbboot.cnf" for example...
"BOOT2 = zoe.elf

VER = 1.00

BOOT2 = cdrom0:\SLPM_650.19;1
VER = 0.10

is it really just launching PS2 files?
is this the worst hd "remake" ever...?
i mean i love the game, just a bit confused...

"ZoE1_ProjectFinal_DVD.ppu.self" might be using
.PPU File Extension File Type - Free Pascal Unit File
Free Pascal Compiler
32/64/16-bit multi-platform Pascal and Object Pascal compiler

after reading
i think installing the game update is mandatory to try to get this to work...

"The primary focus of this patch, then, was clearly performance. The patched version now runs very close to its target 60fps in even the most demanding scenes, with v-sync engaged at all times. This level of performance exceeds both the original HD release and the original PlayStation 2 version, though cut-scene performance sees less of an increase, with the original version occasionally besting the updated release (at the expense of visual quality). One of the key changes implemented by HexaDrive to solve the performance problem is the utilisation of the PlayStation 3's SPUs to handle the workload previously designed for PlayStation 2's vector units. ZOE 2 pushed the PlayStation 2 to its limits and the RSX simply doesn't have the muscle on its own to power through it without help. HexaDrive balanced performance across the entire system, including the SPUs, in order to avoid bottlenecks, resulting in a 10x increase in performance across the board."
This post was last modified: 10-18-2017, 12:20 AM by QOTSANINSOADKORN.

13 posts 0 threads Joined: Aug 2017
12-02-2017, 12:04 AM -
RPCS3 Version: v0.0.4-6195-3fbc960c
Zone of the enders 1 is now ingame with (i think) almost perfect grapchic, most noticable problem is screen flickering in menu and during gameplay (in some cases it's almost always black screen). Zone of the enders 2 is also ingame but only with black screen (with audio and subtitles).For now to launch any of these games you need to have version 1.0 (without any patches installed from .pkg file) and you need to copy PARAM.SFO file from ...\PS3_GAME to ...\PS3_GAME\USRDIR.

Edit: I totally forgot about uploading log files so, i did it now. Here's link for log from Zoe1 (it was too big to attach even when compressed):!jZ0wRaAA!0sMQ99XWzNU2S...AsqZ2BnT-E
Also, changing resolution didn't helped at all
This post was last modified: 12-02-2017, 08:07 PM by Lemiru.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.gz   zoe2.log.gz (Size: 839.74 KB / Downloads: 3)

5 posts 0 threads Joined: Apr 2019
02-09-2020, 03:15 PM -
GAME: Zone of the Enders HD Collection [BLES01756]
STATUS: Game looks playable but haven't finished it yet
Notes for ZOTE1: Textures are broken using Vulkan on my rig, OpenGL looks fine, no flickers and 60FPS most of the time with good audio. Some areas have low fps using OpenGL maybe related to my GPU.
Notes for ZOTE2: Textures are fine on Vulkan, 60FPS even with a lot of enemies on screen and almost no slowdowns, good audio too.

Version used:  RPCS3 v0.0.8-9545 Alpha [2020-02-09] (Screenshots using v0.0.89544)

Settings are :
PPU - LLVM Recompiler
SPU - LLVM Recompiler and SPU Block Size : Mega
Graphics: Vulkan / OpenGL
All others settings are default.

Attached both logs and some screenshots.
This post was last modified: 02-09-2020, 03:29 PM by jade010.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.gz   ZOTE1.gz (Size: 484.99 KB / Downloads: 1)
.gz   ZOTE2.gz (Size: 250.18 KB / Downloads: 1)

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