God of War III [BCES00510]
Started by Triborg

99 posts in this topic

10-10-2016, 05:41 AM -
(10-09-2016, 08:44 PM)ps0ne Wrote: HI, definitely, you lleved (checked) not enough libraries. I use from some time all audio/video decing libraries to pass any video playing stage. Try use theese libraries:
Load libraries:
- libadec.sprx
- libapostsrc_mini.sprx
- libat3dec.sprx
- libatxdec.sprx
- libavcdec.sprx
- libcelp8dec.sprx
- libcelpdec.sprx
- libddpdec.sprx
- libdivxdec.sprx
- libdmux.sprx
- libdmuxpamf.sprx
- libfiber.sprx
- libfont.sprx
- libfontFT.sprx
- libfreetype.sprx
- libfreetypeTT.sprx
- libgifdec.sprx
- libjpgdec.sprx
- libkey2char.sprx
- libl10n.sprx
- libm2bcdec.sprx
- libm4aacdec.sprx
- libmp3dec.sprx
- libmp4.sprx
- libmpl1dec.sprx
- libpamf.sprx
- libpngdec.sprx
- libresc.sprx
- librtc.sprx
- libsail.sprx
- libsail_avi.sprx
- libsjvtd.sprx
- libsmvd2.sprx
- libsmvd4.sprx
- libspurs_jq.sprx
- libsre.sprx
- libsysutil_photo_decode.sprx
- libvdec.sprx
- libwmadec.sprx

Lib FS.sprx is to use in one special occasion rigth now, when you see errors with video decoding/loading and stop errors. It can help with just pass this stage. Otherwise, i dont recommend fs.sprx library to load.

Check again and post results
Omg...i started to test these games a few days ago, i still not get how i should interpret these logs to find out what LLE's missing. So I feel a little bit stupid seeing this giant list.
Unchecked Libfs and checked all you requested(Or at least I tried not to forget anything), the result was that I couldn't get black screen with FPS anymore.
I tested looking at CPU usage in the task manager, after 60 seconds with the use of 2% (far below the 53% average of the previous test) I decided to stop the test to send the log to you guys.

304 posts 59 threads Joined: Oct 2017
10-10-2016, 05:59 AM -
You didnt get fps because you didnt reach that stage yet.... you closed emulator too fast. The point is that its huge game and it use many libraries. Thtas why more than half of the log is aboud injecting modules and so on. The real game started, loaded .psarc file, and used savestateload2 function, an then you closed emulator. Lets wai bit longer, try press x during black screen thtas why you may go further in case game somehow start to work.

10-10-2016, 06:38 AM -
(10-10-2016, 05:59 AM)ps0ne Wrote: You didnt get fps because you didnt reach that stage yet.... you closed emulator too fast. The point is that its huge game and it use many libraries. Thtas why more than half of the log is aboud injecting modules and so on. The real game started, loaded .psarc file, and used savestateload2 function, an then you closed emulator. Lets wai bit longer, try press x during black screen thtas why you may go further in case game somehow start to work.

10 minutes now

304 posts 59 threads Joined: Oct 2017
10-10-2016, 07:16 AM -
Hmm, second output is almost same.. Just after saveload function is error ·W {PPU[0x7000000d] Thread (SaveDataUtil::LoadUnlocksPrefs) [0x003ca6e8]} sys_ppu_thread: _sys_ppu_thread_exit

IIRC i got it one game with error _sys_ppu_thread_exit , this error stops your game. If thats triggered by one module, you may find it by adding libraries one by one and trying to run game in emulator.

EDIT: ok, do like this, add common libraries like you had previosly, just several ones and add video modules one by one startind with dmux, pamf demux pamf and some mpeg dec libraries from the list. Your previous log was longer, so lets not add all libraries at once this time, but add them one by one.

10-10-2016, 07:55 AM -
And also i think you should try adding a savegame, maybe that makes it go further

10-10-2016, 08:24 AM -
(10-10-2016, 07:16 AM)ps0ne Wrote: EDIT: ok, do like this, add common libraries like you had previosly, just several ones and add video modules one by one startind with dmux, pamf demux pamf and some mpeg dec libraries from the list. Your previous log was longer, so lets not add all libraries at once this time, but add them one by one.
but add them one by one
but add them one by one
but add them one by one
but add them one by one
but add them one by one
[Image: Chloe_Moretz.gif]

Maaaaan, it seems a lot of work...
Okay, I will do that, but I did not understand how I can still find out if it's working, I must stay checking one by one until i stop seeing the black screen with the fps? It's a bit complicated because I won't have sense if the screen actually disappeared for some error or if it's just taking a while to appear. Guess when I get to this point I have to post the 5 minutes test-logs here for you guys check.
There is a list explaining the types of modules in this forum? what they do or something like that? maybe this would help, i don't know...

I'm going to sleep, "tomorrow" i will start to do this already with these answers.

(10-10-2016, 07:55 AM)Nezarn Wrote: And also i think you should try adding a savegame, maybe that makes it go further

Good point, I downloaded a pack of saves here, just need to know from you guys in which folder i should place them.

304 posts 59 threads Joined: Oct 2017
10-10-2016, 09:35 AM -
haha Smile no entirely one by one. i already wrote some as good start point. please dont post every time the log. If you encounter stop error then the log stops... Just look at it if you see error _sys_ppu_thread_exit. If the log continues, then it means game goes on.
Basic libraries always to enable:
- libfiber.sprx
- librtc.sprx
- libresc.sprx
- libsail.sprx
- libsail_avi.sprx
- libspurs_jq.sprx
- libsre.sprx
and aldo png decode and jpg decode libraries

At previous log you encountered mpeg2 decode error, so the obvious thing is to enalbe video decoding libraries like: demux, pamf, demuxpamf, libadec, libvdec, - libsmvd2.sprx libsmvd4.sprx libavc, maybe others depends on the log. Just read log what error is on the end. Common sense and training is enough to have.

10-13-2016, 07:09 PM -
(10-10-2016, 09:35 AM)ps0ne Wrote: haha Smile no entirely one by one. i already wrote some as good start point. please dont post every time the log. If you encounter stop error then the log stops... Just look at it if you see error _sys_ppu_thread_exit. If the log continues, then it means game goes on.
Basic libraries always to enable:
- libfiber.sprx
- librtc.sprx
- libresc.sprx
- libsail.sprx
- libsail_avi.sprx
- libspurs_jq.sprx
- libsre.sprx
and aldo png decode and jpg decode libraries

At previous log you encountered mpeg2 decode error, so the obvious thing is to enalbe video decoding libraries like: demux, pamf, demuxpamf, libadec, libvdec, - libsmvd2.sprx libsmvd4.sprx libavc, maybe others depends on the log. Just read log what error is on the end. Common sense and training is enough to have.

I decided to really check one by one. If I got black screen with FPS then i noted "OK" next to the name. Anything different, I noted too.
I tested one by one, adding in exactly the order shown below.
- Libfiber.sprx OK
- Librtc.sprx OK
- Libresc.sprx OK
- Libsail.sprx OK
- Libsail_avi.sprx OK
- Libspurs_jq.sprx OK
- Libpngdec.sprx OK
- Libjpgdec.sprx OK

- Libdmux.sprx OK
- Libpamf.sprx OK
- Libdmuxpamf.sprx OK

-Libsre.sprx. NOT OK - With it checked the RPC3 crashes when closing, so I decided to disable it temporarily and continue with others.

- libdmux.sprx OK
- libpamf.sprx OK
- libdmuxpamf.sprx OK
- libadec.sprx OK - GSFrame turned gray at first start but after restart i got black screen with fps
- libavcdec.sprx OK - GSFrame turned gray at first start but after restart i got black screen with fps
- libsmvd2.sprx OK
- libsmvd4.sprx OK

NOTE: At this point we reached a 10-minute test with 100% cpu usage without libsre, but we could not reach 10 minutes with the libsre checked.

I did 3 tests with libsre checked but I believe they all end in _sys_ppu_thread_exit equal but i will upload two of them plus the test without libsre.

- libgcm_sys.sprx FAIL - Some errors disappear but i can't get black screen with FPS.

The coolest part is that I discovered that Little Big Planet gave new results using these libraries, but that is for another topic.

2,494 posts 63 threads Joined: Aug 2017
10-13-2016, 07:43 PM -
If I am reading this post right then the game isn't working anymore even with the mystery settings OP used.

304 posts 59 threads Joined: Oct 2017
10-13-2016, 10:23 PM -
here are the modules https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scCG8oT1JO0
and followed by
funny scam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZ5ud-BKUtc

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