Dx12 not working
Started by siulmagic

13 posts in this topic

01-20-2016, 04:19 PM -
Hi i have a question , i have a laptop, yes i know its weak hardware to run this emu, but i just want too run rcps3 for fun and as a benchmark, im having issuemaking the dx12 render work, im using the rcpcs3 llvm exe plus, PPU Decoder Recompiler (llvm) and SPU decoder Recompiler ASMJIT, when ever i run the game im testing, dragon ballburst limit , on the dx12render i get a unhandled exeption , i know my gpu supports some dx12 calls, as nvidia control panels states it is a dx12 card, im wondering if its my card that docent have proper dx12 support, or perhaps the fact it has nvidia optimus technology and it somehow is trying to use my intel gpu. Anyways thanks for your time my laptops specs will be in the bottom of the post.

I5 3230m @3.1ghz turbo
8gb of RAM
2gb GT 635m (ddr3 i know its garbage)
intel hd 4000 (even more garbage)

01-20-2016, 05:07 PM -
(01-20-2016, 04:19 PM)siulmagic Wrote: Hi i have a question , i have a laptop, yes i know its weak hardware to run this emu, but i just want too run rcps3 for fun and as a benchmark, im having issuemaking the dx12 render work, im using the rcpcs3 llvm exe plus, PPU Decoder Recompiler (llvm) and SPU decoder Recompiler ASMJIT, when ever i run the game im testing, dragon ballburst limit , on the dx12render i get a unhandled exeption , i know my gpu supports some dx12 calls, as nvidia control panels states it is a dx12 card, im wondering if its my card that docent have proper dx12 support, or perhaps the fact it has nvidia optimus technology and it somehow is trying to use my intel gpu. Anyways thanks for your time my laptops specs will be in the bottom of the post.

I5 3230m @3.1ghz turbo
8gb of RAM
2gb GT 635m (ddr3 i know its garbage)
intel hd 4000 (even more garbage)

Please see how to report issues. Make sure you have the latest drivers, and that those drivers support DX12.

Also you definitely shouldn't use PPU Recompiler, as it will only work for very few games and is quite inaccurate. Also most games will be playable with the interpreter 2. SPU Recompiler may also suffer from the same problem, but I'm not sure, so you should also probably use the fast SPU interpreter.

01-20-2016, 09:11 PM -
are you sure that your d3d adapter is set to your graphics card and not to Microsoft Basic Render? it shows that error if you have dx12 card and use MS Basic Render

01-21-2016, 12:11 PM -
Ok selected the proper spu and ppu compilers,now i have a problem when selecting my 3d renders , it shows my gt 635m as all renders. il post a screen shot, i think this is an issue with the dreaded nvidia optimus, or my cards dx12 docent have the proper apis. Also i can select open gl as my renders but i get like 4fps and a black screen, but the game does show signs of running on the logger.


01-21-2016, 05:46 PM -
(01-21-2016, 12:11 PM)siulmagic Wrote: Ok selected the proper spu and ppu compilers,now i have a problem when selecting my 3d renders , it shows my gt 635m as all renders. il post a screen shot, i think this is an issue with the dreaded nvidia optimus, or my cards dx12 docent have the proper apis. Also i can select open gl as my renders but i get like 4fps and a black screen, but the game does show signs of running on the logger.

looks like nvidia optimus is messing with the adaptater selection :/ Is there a way to disable optimus ?

01-24-2016, 02:57 PM -
i have selected my gt635m as my 3d render, but i still get the abort error,i have attached my rcps3 log. at first glance i don't see anything wrong, but you guys might.

01-24-2016, 02:59 PM -
(01-24-2016, 02:57 PM)siulmagic Wrote: i have selected my gt635m as my 3d render, but i still get the abort error,i have attached my rcps3 log. at first glance i don't see anything wrong, but you guys might.

Please attach the log, instead of posting it in a "code" section.
Also you should probably grab a build from an official source, such as Bigpet's builds or AppVeyor artifacts, since you seem to be using a build from EmuCR. The build also seems a bit outdated. Looking at their website, the RPCS3's description is awful and in many places wrong.

01-24-2016, 03:02 PM -
(01-24-2016, 02:59 PM)tambre Wrote:
(01-24-2016, 02:57 PM)siulmagic Wrote: i have selected my gt635m as my 3d render, but i still get the abort error,i have attached my rcps3 log. at first glance i don't see anything wrong, but you guys might.

Please attach the log, instead of posting it in a "code" section.

i did that, it wont let me.

01-24-2016, 03:05 PM -
(01-24-2016, 03:02 PM)siulmagic Wrote:
(01-24-2016, 02:59 PM)tambre Wrote:
(01-24-2016, 02:57 PM)siulmagic Wrote: i have selected my gt635m as my 3d render, but i still get the abort error,i have attached my rcps3 log. at first glance i don't see anything wrong, but you guys might.

Please attach the log, instead of posting it in a "code" section.

i did that, it wont let me.

Just compress it in a .zip or a .rar.

01-24-2016, 03:08 PM -
(01-24-2016, 03:05 PM)tambre Wrote:
(01-24-2016, 03:02 PM)siulmagic Wrote:
(01-24-2016, 02:59 PM)tambre Wrote:
(01-24-2016, 02:57 PM)siulmagic Wrote: i have selected my gt635m as my 3d render, but i still get the abort error,i have attached my rcps3 log. at first glance i don't see anything wrong, but you guys might.

Please attach the log, instead of posting it in a "code" section.

i did that, it wont let me.

Just compress it in a .zip or a .rar.

ok that will defenetly work.

(01-24-2016, 02:59 PM)tambre Wrote:
(01-24-2016, 02:57 PM)siulmagic Wrote: i have selected my gt635m as my 3d render, but i still get the abort error,i have attached my rcps3 log. at first glance i don't see anything wrong, but you guys might.

Please attach the log, instead of posting it in a "code" section.
Also you should probably grab a build from an official source, such as [Bigpet's builds](https://github.com/Bigpet/rpcs3/releases) or [AppVeyor artifacts](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/rpcs3/rp.../artifacts), since you seem to be using a build from EmuCR. The build also seems a bit outdated. Looking at their website, the RPCS3's description is awful and in many places wrong.

ok thank you. i will try them and report back

edit: ok so i retested with the proper rcps3 build, and i get the same error, i will attach the log again.

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