Graphical Intensities
Started by TyWillems19

8 posts in this topic

08-01-2015, 07:49 PM -

First of all I would like to say thank you to the developers working hard on attempting to create a working PS3 emulator! I can imagine the process is incredibly difficult and time consuming.

I was wondering if the graphical intensities of games make the compilation any more or less tedious on the make up of the emulator?

I am a little shallow in intellect when it comes to exactly how the emulator works, I know that basically you are taking the hardware constructions of the console and turning that into script that allows PC hardware to compile the games.

I also know that RPCS3 hasn't quite gotten into actual gameplay quite yet, and there has been quite a bit of work and testing on Disgaea 4.

I suppose the reason I am curious about the graphical intensity being a factor, is because I was thinking about the compilation of a native PS3 game (any game naturally designed and released on the PS3) and the compilation of a game such as Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and 2.5 Remix(es).

I was thinking that it must take the same (or a similar at least) compilation process for the rereleases since they are native PS3 games now, but the graphical intensities and the game engine that the game performs in is much lower than that of newer native PS3 games. I also realize my last four paragraphs have begun with "I" lol sorry for that!

Anyway, I just wanted to ask about, or bring up the idea that maybe compiling a game like the KH 1.5 and 2.5 Remixes might be worthwhile to look into for compilation in comparison to another, more graphically intense game.

Any thoughts from leading devs or mods on this? Thanks in advance! Smile

2,494 posts 63 threads Joined: Aug 2017
08-02-2015, 12:15 PM -
Games with better graphics are probably harder to emulate as they probably make use of more functions that need to be emulated, which means more work for the processor in your computer, and therefore lower performance. I would guess that KH 1,5 also makes use of currently unfinished things like cellSpurs (crap that is part of the PS3) and therefore it would probably not run at all, but you can always try.

08-02-2015, 09:50 PM -
looked at this and thought of something else:
[Image: 1141313.jpg]

08-03-2015, 12:26 AM -
That picture Smile haha

I figure that at this stage in RPCS3 development, it is highly unlikely to get anything to compile, even KH 1.5/2.5.

Although, maybe it will be easier to compile when the time comes versus something like Final Fantasy XIII (sorry I play a lot of RPGs lol).

I am excited to be getting my Alienware Alpha so I can keep up with the newest development.

Do we have any news about loading 3D environments with the emulator, to any extent yet? I have seen that they are getting the menu functionality and virtually a perfect 60fps on the opening of Disgaea 4.

Quote:Games with better graphics are probably harder to emulate as they probably make use of more functions that need to be emulated, which means more work for the processor in your computer, and therefore lower performance. I would guess that KH 1,5 also makes use of currently unfinished things like cellSpurs (crap that is part of the PS3) and therefore it would probably not run at all, but you can always try.

By the way, do you happen to know what vital components are missing for better emulation at this point? You mention cellSpurs, what is that exactly? Just curious.

08-03-2015, 06:12 AM -
(08-03-2015, 12:26 AM)TyWillems19 Wrote: That picture Smile haha

I figure that at this stage in RPCS3 development, it is highly unlikely to get anything to compile, even KH 1.5/2.5.

Although, maybe it will be easier to compile when the time comes versus something like Final Fantasy XIII (sorry I play a lot of RPGs lol).

I am excited to be getting my Alienware Alpha so I can keep up with the newest development.

Do we have any news about loading 3D environments with the emulator, to any extent yet? I have seen that they are getting the menu functionality and virtually a perfect 60fps on the opening of Disgaea 4.

Quote:Games with better graphics are probably harder to emulate as they probably make use of more functions that need to be emulated, which means more work for the processor in your computer, and therefore lower performance. I would guess that KH 1,5 also makes use of currently unfinished things like cellSpurs (crap that is part of the PS3) and therefore it would probably not run at all, but you can always try.

By the way, do you happen to know what vital components are missing for better emulation at this point? You mention cellSpurs, what is that exactly? Just curious.

cellSpurs is a library for managing SPU threads. All SPU related libraries should be reverse-engineered to offer perfect emulation of them. Sadly it's hard to reverse engineer and there are only a few developers with the required skills and knowledge to currently reverse-engineer them.

08-03-2015, 04:06 PM -
Ahh I see. So we may be looking at some time before those devs can correctly write out those functions huh?

All the luck to them, I've no doubt they can figure it out, and gain valuable experience along the way.

I'm happy being a cheerleader haha Tongue

08-03-2015, 04:21 PM -
That or it could be LLE'd (and IMHO it should be, SPURS seems like a mess), but there is not that much interest in that right now for whatever reason.

08-03-2015, 07:04 PM -
So in regards to the intensities...

I was looking at the gameplay for Disgaea 4 and it looks like it runs off of the PhyreEngine which has many games of moderate graphical intensities. It seems like a good start for this emulator since it seems like most of these style of games are less intense than games built on like Unreal Engine or something.

I wonder if it would be worthwhile to test out other games that use this engine, since it seems like work on Disgaea has been done most recently.

That's the Wiki page for Phyre and includes a list of titles that were produced using the same engine. I wonder if they will be more likely to work, when Disgaea is working, better than other titles. Once again, just throwing ideas out there.

Quote:That or it could be LLE'd (and IMHO it should be, SPURS seems like a mess), but there is not that much interest in that right now for whatever reason.

What is LLE? And what seems to be the difference between the two?

08-04-2015, 04:20 PM -
LLE - low-level-emulation (hle - high-level).
LLE is much slower but 100% accurate (if done correctly of course). Basically it's when emu does everything exactly and as closely as it can to real console. Which maybe very far from optimal because of very different architectures.
HLE just aims to achieve same(close) result as a console no matter the method.

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