Weird noise from PC when starting Game
Started by Skydorm

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1 posts 1 threads Joined: Nov 2022
11-30-2022, 11:12 AM -
The Problem: Everytime i start a Game on RPCS3, my PC beginns to make something like a weird high pitched noise that goes beep the whole time. If i close the Game again, the sound instantly goes away. The Games i want to play are Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom and Sly Cooper Collection.

If i remember correct, 1 year ago, i already played through Majin and I'm sure that there was no noise coming from my pc. I may be wrong since it's long time ago and i was happy to play it again but i haven't realized something soo fast like i did when trying to start Sly Cooper a month ago. I instantly heared it. I'm not sure where the sound come from, maybe CPU or GPU (It definitly not coming from any soundboxes or headphones, it is indeed coming from my PC). Also i can start any high performance game or any game via Steam etc. just normal, other Emulators like 3ds and switch are working as well. The only troublemaker that makes that weird sound is RPCS3.

I don't know if i can fix this by changing something in the options from the emulator, so if someone has an idea about this problem, i would appreaciate the help. (Since there isn't a similar post, at least from what i tried to look for).

Problem explained in Short: When i start a Game on RPCS3, my PC makes a high pitched noise that goes beep until i close the Game, than it stops immediately. This goes for both Games i have and want to play Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom and Sly Cooper Collection. I can play any high performance game or any game via Steam etc. normal without any sound/noise problems, same goes for Emulators like Wii, 3ds and switch. The only troublemaker that makes that high pitched noise is RPCS3.

My Question again: Can i fix this high pitched noise problem by changing specific settings (have tried a lot but don't know how the problem occures, so don't know what i should change and to what) or is it at least known why it makes that sound?

if you want to know the Voltage, Temperature, Fans, Utilization, Power, Clocks or the performance from task manager than i can tell.

Here's a info about some components:
- NVIDIA Geforce RTX 2070
- Samsung SSD 860 EVO 2 TB
- Intel® Core™ i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz

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Weird noise from PC when starting Game - by Skydorm - 11-30-2022, 11:12 AM

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