Nah, sadly still crashes...
Same message too... I think?
F SIG: Thread terminated due to fatal error: Assertion Failed! Vulkan API call failed with unrecoverable error: Device lost (Driver crashed with unspecified error or stopped responding and recovered) (VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST)
(in file D:\a\1\s\rpcs3\Emu\RSX\VK\VKQueryPool.cpp:49[:4], in function poke_query)
(in file D:\a\1\s\rpcs3\Emu\RSX\VK\vkutils\shared.cpp:107[:24], in function die_with_error)
Same message too... I think?

F SIG: Thread terminated due to fatal error: Assertion Failed! Vulkan API call failed with unrecoverable error: Device lost (Driver crashed with unspecified error or stopped responding and recovered) (VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST)
(in file D:\a\1\s\rpcs3\Emu\RSX\VK\VKQueryPool.cpp:49[:4], in function poke_query)
(in file D:\a\1\s\rpcs3\Emu\RSX\VK\vkutils\shared.cpp:107[:24], in function die_with_error)