03-07-2014, 04:43 PM -
(03-07-2014, 03:49 PM)BlackDaemon Wrote: Hmm.Btw, to solve "Multistream: mp3 failed to load MP3 codec" issue you need to dump this file from your PS3 "/dev_flash/sys/external/flashMP3.pic" and place it into rpcs3 directory (rpcs3\dev_flash\sys\external\flashMP3.pic).
BlackDaemon, thank you, after adding flashMP3.pic problem "Multistream: mp3 failed to load MP3 codec" solved.
The game goes on if you wait.
(03-07-2014, 04:42 PM)LittleGrejmer Wrote: I have required files, but it stuck at loop of: cellSpursEventFlagWait, and _cellSpursSendSignal. It also opens white opengl window
LittleGrejmer, I solved this problem: all the files that are in the USRDIR carry to the main folder where TROPDIR and LITSDIR. Then run and long wait.