BIOS/Firmware emulation - what's going on?
Started by Chalking Fenterbyte

7 posts in this topic
Chalking Fenterbyte

02-11-2014, 08:43 PM -
I heard that some games can load to the their title screens, but I have some good questions about the status of the emulator as a whole:

1.How far has the firmware emulation come along? Anybody get anywhere with it, emulating the OS, etc.? Or is that part being omitted for now? Also, if you aren't properly emulating the BIOS/firmware, how would that part be skipped when running a game(high-level emulation)?

2.Optionally, what steps are/have been taken to execute commercial games?

3.How well is the emulation of the SPEs/etc.? Is threading being used for each SPE, core, etc.? All in all, are we coming along well with the computer's full-on emulation?

Messages In This Thread
RE: BIOS/Firmware emulation - what's going on? - by Chalking Fenterbyte - 02-11-2014, 08:43 PM
RE: BIOS/Firmware emulation - what's going on? - by Chalking Fenterbyte - 02-18-2014, 08:01 PM
RE: BIOS/Firmware emulation - what's going on? - by Chalking Fenterbyte - 02-19-2014, 08:32 PM
RE: BIOS/Firmware emulation - what's going on? - by Chalking Fenterbyte - 02-19-2014, 09:59 PM
RE: BIOS/Firmware emulation - what's going on? - by Bigpet - 02-19-2014, 11:02 PM
RE: BIOS/Firmware emulation - what's going on? - by Chalking Fenterbyte - 02-20-2014, 08:27 PM
RE: BIOS/Firmware emulation - what's going on? - by Bigpet - 02-21-2014, 12:32 AM

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