The Ratchet & Clank Trilogy [BCES01503]
Started by shoopdahoop22

21 posts in this topic

47 posts 6 threads Joined: Nov 2017
08-05-2019, 11:07 AM -
(08-05-2019, 09:23 AM)Asinine Wrote: Frame-rate is too low imo. Try different settings e.g using Mega block size instead of safe, try 1-4 preferred spu threads etc. Ideally the game should run atleast at a locked 60 on a 9700k, frame-rate is really important here because the game-speed is tied to the games frame-rate, so 30fps will be half-speed. And if you aren't even maintaining 60fps on a 9700k most users will be running it at around 30fps or lower in intensive areas, which isn't good enough.

I checked with different settings (SPU Treads and Mega block size) but they just lowering the FPS.

Then i checked again compering other stage to the first one, and it seems that only the first stage is causing the instability of the FPS. but the others locked on 60 FPS.

But anyway now we need to check the separate games of 2 and 3, if they are like those, with stable FPS. And if so they are considered playable.

1 posts 0 threads Joined: Apr 2020
04-17-2020, 11:20 AM -
I tried with the build "RPCS3 0.0.9-10220-8f3b04cb Alpha "
my setting was by default at by the renderer ,i have change for vulkan with a resolution scale to 3840x2160 and framelimit to 60.
the first two work fine just some slowdown and some texture does not display correctly and the 3 rd has crash on the 3rd planet.

my configuration:
intel core i7-7700 4,2 ghz/ 16gb ram/ rtx 2060 super PNY

i'm sorry if there are mistakes i don't speak english well I use google translation for most of my sentences...

153 posts 5 threads Joined: Mar 2020
08-21-2020, 10:00 PM -
Beaten the game from start to finished.  Gameplay FPS is stable (R&C3 only encounters few FPS drop/recovery fast at heavy rendering spots, which is not affected to game overall).  Graphic/Cutscenes are well-rendered.  Sound/Effects are clearly working (R&C3 only encounters “audio out of sync” at few gameplay cutscenes)

# Gameplay FPS = (59~60)| (59~60)| (49/59~60)
# Cutscenes movie 4:3 stable (59~60) | (59~60) | (59~60)
# Cutscenes gameplay stable (59~60) | (59~60) | (50/59~60)
# RPCS3 v0.0.11-10768-b487c09d Alpha
# Default setting [Res. scale= 300% Fullscreen 4K]
# Intel i9-9900K @ 3.60GHz | 32GB RAM | 2070S 8GB Nvidia | NVMe storage (3500MB/2500MB Read/Write).

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.7z   RPCS3_R&C1,2,3.7z (Size: 7.5 MB / Downloads: 62)

5 posts 2 threads Joined: Jun 2020
11-28-2020, 12:49 PM -
I tried Ratchet & Clank trilogy and everytime i select the second and third game it crash.

I disabled RSX but still crash

Con yuo help me?


35 posts 1 threads Joined: Jan 2020
11-28-2020, 01:01 PM -
(08-21-2020, 10:00 PM)quick.sliver1 Wrote: Playable
Beaten the game from start to finished.  Gameplay FPS is stable (R&C3 only encounters few FPS drop/recovery fast at heavy rendering spots, which is not affected to game overall).  Graphic/Cutscenes are well-rendered.  Sound/Effects are clearly working (R&C3 only encounters “audio out of sync” at few gameplay cutscenes)

# Gameplay FPS = (59~60)| (59~60)| (49/59~60)
# Cutscenes movie 4:3 stable (59~60) | (59~60) | (59~60)
# Cutscenes gameplay stable (59~60) | (59~60) | (50/59~60)
# RPCS3 v0.0.11-10768-b487c09d Alpha
# Default setting [Res. scale= 300% Fullscreen 4K]
# Intel i9-9900K @ 3.60GHz | 32GB RAM | 2070S 8GB Nvidia | NVMe storage (3500MB/2500MB Read/Write).

the 3 separate are playable  too (NPEA00385/NPEA00386/NPEA00387)
i suppose mods will want to make a game report for each one but we could get a bypass...

45 posts 13 threads Joined: Feb 2020
12-01-2020, 01:00 AM -
(11-28-2020, 01:01 PM)lainiwaku Wrote:
(08-21-2020, 10:00 PM)quick.sliver1 Wrote: Playable
Beaten the game from start to finished.  Gameplay FPS is stable (R&C3 only encounters few FPS drop/recovery fast at heavy rendering spots, which is not affected to game overall).  Graphic/Cutscenes are well-rendered.  Sound/Effects are clearly working (R&C3 only encounters “audio out of sync” at few gameplay cutscenes)

# Gameplay FPS = (59~60)| (59~60)| (49/59~60)
# Cutscenes movie 4:3 stable (59~60) | (59~60) | (59~60)
# Cutscenes gameplay stable (59~60) | (59~60) | (50/59~60)
# RPCS3 v0.0.11-10768-b487c09d Alpha
# Default setting [Res. scale= 300% Fullscreen 4K]
# Intel i9-9900K @ 3.60GHz | 32GB RAM | 2070S 8GB Nvidia | NVMe storage (3500MB/2500MB Read/Write).

the 3 separate are playable  too (NPEA00385/NPEA00386/NPEA00387)
i suppose mods will want to make a game report for each one but we could get a bypass...

It doesn't matter, you can't make a report saying a game is playable when has frame drops (doing test in a i9 9900K it's not playable), even the USA version, my i7 8700 can't hold 60 FPS, we need to wait for more improves, that's all

2 posts 0 threads Joined: Jan 2021
01-24-2021, 10:23 PM -
Absolutely playable.

Custom config with everything at default except resolution scale, which is set to 200% (2560x1440, primarily for supersampling to reduce aliasing). Framerate is mostly stable except when looking out over an entire level such as the beginning of Maktar Nebula in the R&C2 as well as several places in Florana in R&C3. Doesn't seem to be a GPU bound situation dropping framerates in those locations, as GPU usage remains relatively low there. Any distortion effects immediately rocket GPU usage to 100% such as when using the thaw function of the Thermanator in R&C2 (for the entire duration of using, framerate tanks into single digits as the projectiles have a distortion effect around them) and the Nitro Launcher's explosion in R&C3 (Effect easily seen right at the start of the game, hold triangle while the Nitro Launcher's bomb is exploding so that it pauses with the distortion effect in view). Zero game breaking bugs and all three games are playable start to finish - worth noting that the PS3 ports are buggy by default, even on a PS3, with several visual bugs, though there are a few minor issues here and there with transparency such as glass and particles. I did have one freeze in R&C2 when I spoke to Help Matron to read my R&C1 save data. A restart allowed me to do it afterwards, however. Cutscenes run flawlessly, and R&C3 has a few audio sync issues here and there but that might be something that exists even on a PS3. Been a while since I've checked. Can't think of anything else, was able to 100% R&C2 with RPCS3 with zero issues besides a few bugs here and there that more than likely existed on a legit PS3, so other than the framedrop issues, there is nothing preventing a full playthrough. The game's lack of frameskipping causes the game to run in slow-mo if frames drop, which can be rough, though, so hoping things are ironed out soon.

16GB 3200Mhz CL14 RAM
GTX 1660 Super, 6gb VRAM
1920x1080 screen
RPCS3 0.0.14-11602-142b44d4 Alpha

2,060 posts 83 threads Joined: Aug 2017
01-25-2021, 07:18 AM -
Need someone to show how it runs in big areas like the city on more moderate hardware. This game is very frame-rate sensitive due to the slow-down, If a game requires a 9700k and still has fps drops its not playable. The reason why this game runs so poorly is because it wasn't optimized for PS3 at all, it's using old PS2 method of rendering, and has an absurd number of draw calls.
This post was last modified: 01-25-2021, 07:19 AM by Asinine.

1 posts 0 threads Joined: Jan 2021
01-27-2021, 03:03 AM -
Hi, I'm new to the forum, but I've been testing the emulator for a while and I hope to be of help.

I have managed to finish R&C Tools of Destruction without any crash 60fps constantly, without any fps drops, only in very specific areas. R&C Trilogy (1,2,3) I've been playing for about 2 hours in all and the same, everything perfect in my opinion except for some render shaders or textures, the same in very specific areas. R&C Trilogy (1,2,3) and R&C Tools of Destruction, can be finished without any crash, and beautiful graphics.
But it is still in (In-Game) and I understand why maybe it can improve a little more (FPS Drop theme, Shaders ..) But they have done a very great job with the emulator, thank you very much rcps3.

I hope they keep doing this good job and can fix the others.

I don't recommend playing them yet:
- Ratchet & Clank: Crack In Time
- Ratchet & Clan
k: Nexus

My Specs:
16GB ram


Configs R&C Trilogy:
CPU: All in deafult (Additional settings disable all, only check SPU Loop detection and SPU cache, and preferred SPU Threards Max)
GPU: Resolution 1080p, Resolution Scale 300% and 16x16(Default), Number of Shader Compiler Max, Framelimit Auto, Anti-Alasing Auto, Anisotropic 16x (Additional settings disable all, test with Multithreaded RSX On if u want).
Debug: Only active GPU Texture Scaling.

Configs R&C Tools of Destruction
CPU: All in deafult (Additional
 settings disable all, only check SPU Loop detection and SPU cache, and preferred SPU Threards Max)

GPU: Resolution 720p(1080p crash), Resolution Scale 200% and 16x16(Default), Number of Shader Compiler Max, Framelimit 60, Anti-Alasing Auto, Anisotropic Auto (Additional settings disable all, test with Multithreaded RSX On if u want).
Debug: Nothing.

And is all, sorry for my english.

1 posts 0 threads Joined: Jul 2020
03-13-2022, 04:51 PM -
tested on my configuration(Ryzen 7 2700, GTX 1060 6, 16gb ram). On RPCS3 0.0.21-13347-686d2759 alpha. Played to the 2nd planet, in the most places it running on 60 fps, but in some places it dropping to 30 - 35.
All setting default except SPU block size - set oin Mega and Multithreaded RSX. With default resolution and scale(720p). When tried to 1440p, in more cases fps is lower 50.

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