Need for Speed SHIFT [BLES00682]
Started by Kilowog01

1 posts in this topic

02-22-2017, 06:29 PM -
The game shows the first screen, loads to the end, stays on a black screen for a while and then a normal dialog says that the game will be installed in the HD but the loading bar seems to get stuck in the second G of "Installing game data. "

It was then that I noticed that I could click on "resume" and the bar continued until it stopped at the L of "Please do not turn off the system."

Convert to 16 bit: false
Dump to file: false
Renderer: XAudio2
Hook static functions: false
Load liblv2.sprx only: false
Load libraries:
- libac3dec.prx
- libac3dec2.prx
- libadec.prx
- libat3dec.prx
- libatrac3plus.prx
- libatxdec.prx
- libaudio.prx
- libdmux.prx
- libdmuxpamf.prx
- libfiber.prx
- libfont.prx
- libfontFT.prx
- libfreetype.prx
- libfreetypeTT.prx
- libgifdec.prx
- libjpgdec.sprx
- libkey2char.prx
- libl10n.prx
- libmvcdec.prx
- libpamf.prx
- libpngdec.prx
- libresc.prx
- librtc.prx
- libsail.prx
- libsail_avi.prx
- libsjvtd.prx
- libsmvd2.prx
- libsmvd4.prx
- libspurs_jq.prx
- libsre.prx
- libsvc1d.prx
- libsysutil_music.prx
- libsysutil_music_decode.prx
- libvdec.prx
PPU Decoder: Interpreter (fast)
PPU Threads: 2
SPU Decoder: Recompiler (ASMJIT))
Aspect ratio: 16x9
Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
Renderer: OpenGL
Resolution: 1280x720

The first log was not saved I do not know why. I tried to retake the test but the dialog did not appear but if you guys test for sure you guys will have the same result.
RPCS3 Tester

2,670 posts 1,777 threads Joined: Aug 2017
04-03-2021, 08:19 PM -
RPCS3 v0.0.15-12039-e57f36fc Alpha | HEAD | Firmware version: 4.87
Ingame with SPU (ASMJIT) and libsysutil_np_trophy.sprx.
[Image: r1Ee9Xi.png]
[Image: JOCi3tr.png]

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