RetroArch [SSNE10000]
Started by ps0ne

6 posts in this topic

304 posts 59 threads Joined: Oct 2017
01-16-2015, 07:52 PM -
RetroArch is engine for many emulators that works on Ps3.

When start game from gui it shows this:
HLE: ! path: /dev_hdd0/game/
HLE: W No pause.bin found, Auto Pause will not work.
HLE: W No pause.bin found, Auto Pause will not work.
LDR: ! Loading 'E:/dyskfgry/emu/Emulatory PS3/rpcs3/dev_hdd0/game/SSNE10000/USRDIR/BOOT.BIN'...
LDR: !  
LDR: ! Mount info:
LDR: ! /dev_usb000/ -> E:/dyskfgry/emu/Emulatory PS3/rpcs3/dev_usb000/
LDR: ! /dev_flash/ -> E:/dyskfgry/emu/Emulatory PS3/rpcs3/dev_flash/
LDR: ! /host_root/ ->
LDR: ! /dev_hdd0/ -> E:/dyskfgry/emu/Emulatory PS3/rpcs3/dev_hdd0/
LDR: ! /dev_hdd1/ -> E:/dyskfgry/emu/Emulatory PS3/rpcs3/dev_hdd1/
LDR: ! /dev_bdvd/ -> E:/dyskfgry/emu/Emulatory PS3/rpcs3/dev_hdd0/game/SSNE10000/../
LDR: ! /dev_usb/ -> E:/dyskfgry/emu/Emulatory PS3/rpcs3/dev_usb000/
LDR: !  
LDR: ! Title: RetroArch
LDR: ! Serial: SSNE10000
LDR: !  
LDR: E loader::init() failed: Broken file
MEM: ! Initializing memory: base_addr = 0x140850000
MEM: ! Memory initialized.
LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_net_initialize_network_ex' in 'sys_net' module  (HLE)
LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_net_finalize_network' in 'sys_net' module  (HLE)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellPadInit' in 'sys_io' module  (HLE)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellPadEnd' in 'sys_io' module  (HLE)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellPadGetData' in 'sys_io' module  (HLE)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSysmoduleUnloadModule' in 'cellSysmodule' module  (HLE)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSysmoduleLoadModule' in 'cellSysmodule' module  (HLE)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSysutilRegisterCallback' in 'cellSysutil' module  (HLE)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGameContentPermit' in 'cellGame' module  (HLE)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGameBootCheck' in 'cellGame' module  (HLE)
LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpTerm' in 'sceNp' module  (HLE)
LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpInit' in 'sceNp' module  (HLE)
LDR: ! Imported function 'sceNpDrmProcessExitSpawn2' in 'sceNp' module  (HLE)
LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_lock' in 'sysPrxForUser' module  (HLE)
LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_unlock' in 'sysPrxForUser' module  (HLE)
LDR: ! Imported function '_sys_process_atexitspawn' in 'sysPrxForUser' module  (HLE)
LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_create' in 'sysPrxForUser' module  (HLE)
LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_ppu_thread_get_id' in 'sysPrxForUser' module  (HLE)
LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_prx_register_library' in 'sysPrxForUser' module  (HLE)
LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_initialize_tls' in 'sysPrxForUser' module  (HLE)
LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_time_get_system_time' in 'sysPrxForUser' module  (HLE)
LDR: ! Imported function '_sys_process_at_Exitspawn' in 'sysPrxForUser' module  (HLE)
LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_prx_exitspawn_with_level' in 'sysPrxForUser' module  (HLE)
LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_destroy' in 'sysPrxForUser' module  (HLE)
LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_process_exit' in 'sysPrxForUser' module  (HLE)
LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_game_process_exitspawn' in 'sysPrxForUser' module  (HLE)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0007d028]} sys_lwmutex warning: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex_addr=0x71df8, attr_addr=0x2b0b8)
HLE: ! {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0007d028]} sys_lwmutex: *** lwmutex created [_lc_mtx] (attribute=0x12): sq_id = 3
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00025350]} sys_memory warning: sys_memory_get_user_memory_size(mem_info_addr=0xd000fc04)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0007d028]} sys_lwmutex warning: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex_addr=0x71c00, attr_addr=0x2b0b8)
HLE: ! {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0007d028]} sys_lwmutex: *** lwmutex created [_lc_mtx] (attribute=0x12): sq_id = 4
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0007d028]} sys_lwmutex warning: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex_addr=0x71388, attr_addr=0x2b0b8)
HLE: ! {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0007d028]} sys_lwmutex: *** lwmutex created [_lc_mtx] (attribute=0x12): sq_id = 5
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0007d028]} sys_lwmutex warning: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex_addr=0x713b0, attr_addr=0x2b0b8)
HLE: ! {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0007d028]} sys_lwmutex: *** lwmutex created [_lc_mtx] (attribute=0x12): sq_id = 6
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0007d028]} sys_lwmutex warning: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex_addr=0x713d8, attr_addr=0x2b0b8)
HLE: ! {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0007d028]} sys_lwmutex: *** lwmutex created [_lc_mtx] (attribute=0x12): sq_id = 7
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0007d028]} sys_lwmutex warning: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex_addr=0x712c0, attr_addr=0x2b0b8)
HLE: ! {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0007d028]} sys_lwmutex: *** lwmutex created [_lc_mtx] (attribute=0x12): sq_id = 8
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0007d028]} sys_lwmutex warning: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex_addr=0x712e8, attr_addr=0x2b0b8)
HLE: ! {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0007d028]} sys_lwmutex: *** lwmutex created [_lc_mtx] (attribute=0x12): sq_id = 9
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0007d028]} sys_lwmutex warning: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex_addr=0x71310, attr_addr=0x2b0b8)
HLE: ! {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0007d028]} sys_lwmutex: *** lwmutex created [_lc_mtx] (attribute=0x12): sq_id = 10
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0007d028]} sys_lwmutex warning: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex_addr=0x71338, attr_addr=0x2b0b8)
HLE: ! {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0007d028]} sys_lwmutex: *** lwmutex created [_lc_mtx] (attribute=0x12): sq_id = 11
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0007d028]} sys_lwmutex warning: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex_addr=0x71360, attr_addr=0x2b0b8)
HLE: ! {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0007d028]} sys_lwmutex: *** lwmutex created [_lc_mtx] (attribute=0x12): sq_id = 12
TTY: RetroArch Salamander: Registering system utility callback...
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00077004]} cellSysutil warning: cellSysutilRegisterCallback(slot=0, func_addr=0x30090, userdata=0x0)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00075010]} cellSysmodule warning: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_IO)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00075010]} cellSysmodule warning: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_FS)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00075010]} cellSysmodule warning: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_SYSUTIL_GAME)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00075010]} cellSysmodule warning: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_NET)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00075010]} cellSysmodule warning: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(CELL_SYSMODULE_SYSUTIL_NP)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0002e004]} sys_net warning: sys_net_initialize_network_ex(param_addr=0xd000fc40)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0007b010]} sceNp warning: sceNpInit(mem_size=0x20000, mem_addr=0x31160)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00079010]} cellGame warning: cellGameBootCheck(type_addr=0xd000ec10, attributes_addr=0xd000ec14, size_addr=0xd000ec18, dirName_addr=0xd000ec28)
TTY: RetroArch Salamander: cellGameBootCheck() OK.
TTY: RetroArch Salamander: Directory name: [SSNE10000].
TTY: RetroArch Salamander:  HDD Free Size (in KB) = [40000000] Size (in KB) = [-1] System Size (in KB) = [0].
TTY: RetroArch Salamander: RetroArch was launched on HDD.
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00079004]} cellGame warning: cellGameContentPermit(contentInfoPath_addr=0xd000ec48, usrdirPath_addr=0x72420)
TTY: RetroArch Salamander: cellGameContentPermit() OK.
TTY: RetroArch Salamander: contentInfoPath : [/dev_hdd0/game/SSNE10000].
TTY: RetroArch Salamander: usrDirPath : [/dev_hdd0/game/SSNE10000/USRDIR].
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00073004]} sys_io warning: cellPadInit(max_connect=7)
HLE: ! {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0001fe14]} sys_fs: "/dev_hdd0/game/SSNE10000/USRDIR/retroarch.cfg" opened: fd = 13
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0007d028]} sys_lwmutex warning: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex_addr=0x301100a0, attr_addr=0x2b0b8)
HLE: ! {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0007d028]} sys_lwmutex: *** lwmutex created [_lc_mtx] (attribute=0x12): sq_id = 14
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0001fd8c]} sys_fs warning: cellFsClose(fd=13)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0007d07c]} sys_lwmutex warning: sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_addr=0x301100a0)
HLE: E {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0001fe14]} sys_fs error: "/dev_hdd0/game/SSNE10000/USRDIR/cores/CORE.SELF" not found! flags: 0x00000000
HLE: ! {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0001fe14]} sys_fs: "/dev_hdd0/game/SSNE10000/USRDIR/retroarch.cfg" opened: fd = 15
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0007d028]} sys_lwmutex warning: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex_addr=0x30110100, attr_addr=0x2b0b8)
HLE: ! {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0007d028]} sys_lwmutex: *** lwmutex created [_lc_mtx] (attribute=0x12): sq_id = 16
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0001fd8c]} sys_fs warning: cellFsClose(fd=15)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0007d07c]} sys_lwmutex warning: sys_lwmutex_destroy(lwmutex_addr=0x30110100)
TTY: RetroArch Salamander: Start [/dev_hdd0/game/SSNE10000/USRDIR/cores/fb_alpha_libretro_ps3.SELF] found in retroarch.cfg.
TTY: RetroArch Salamander: Attempt to load executable: [/dev_hdd0/game/SSNE10000/USRDIR/cores/fb_alpha_libretro_ps3.SELF].
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0007b01c]} sceNp warning: sceNpDrmProcessExitSpawn2()
G: E {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0007b01c]} Exception: Access violation reading location 0x0 (is_alive=1, m_last_syscall=0xe6c8f3f9 (sceNpDrmProcessExitSpawn2))
G: ! {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0007b01c]} Registers:
GPR[0] = 0x7b018
GPR[1] = 0xd000fad0
GPR[2] = 0xe6c8f3f9
GPR[3] = 0x0
GPR[4] = 0x72020
GPR[5] = 0xd000fc40
GPR[6] = 0x0
GPR[7] = 0xd000fb40
GPR[8] = 0x100
GPR[9] = 0x3e8
GPR[10] = 0x70
GPR[11] = 0xe6c8f3f9
GPR[12] = 0x7a010
GPR[13] = 0x30007060
GPR[14] = 0x0
GPR[15] = 0x0
GPR[16] = 0x0
GPR[17] = 0x0
GPR[18] = 0x0
GPR[19] = 0x0
GPR[20] = 0x0
GPR[21] = 0x0
GPR[22] = 0x0
GPR[23] = 0x0
GPR[24] = 0x0
GPR[25] = 0x0
GPR[26] = 0x81000
GPR[27] = 0x82000
GPR[28] = 0x1
GPR[29] = 0x1
GPR[30] = 0x30ff8
GPR[31] = 0x72020
FPR[0] = 0
FPR[1] = 0
FPR[2] = 0
FPR[3] = 0
FPR[4] = 0
FPR[5] = 0
FPR[6] = 0
FPR[7] = 0
FPR[8] = 0
FPR[9] = 0
FPR[10] = 0
FPR[11] = 0
FPR[12] = 0
FPR[13] = 0
FPR[14] = 0
FPR[15] = 0
FPR[16] = 0
FPR[17] = 0
FPR[18] = 0
FPR[19] = 0
FPR[20] = 0
FPR[21] = 0
FPR[22] = 0
FPR[23] = 0
FPR[24] = 0
FPR[25] = 0
FPR[26] = 0
FPR[27] = 0
FPR[28] = 0
FPR[29] = 0
FPR[30] = 0
FPR[31] = 0
VPR[0] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[1] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[2] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[3] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[4] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[5] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[6] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[7] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[8] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[9] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[10] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[11] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[12] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[13] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[14] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[15] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[16] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[17] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[18] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[19] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[20] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[21] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[22] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[23] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[24] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[25] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[26] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[27] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[28] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[29] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[30] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[31] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
CR = 0x28000082
LR = 0x10e1c
CTR = 0x7b018
XER = 0x0 [CA=0 | OV=0 | SO=4294967296]
FPSCR = 0x0 [RN=0 | NI=0 | XE=0 | ZE=0 | UE=0 | OE=0 | VE=0 | VXCVI=0 | VXSQRT=0 | VXSOFT=0 | FPRF=0 | FI=0 | FR=0 | VXVC=0 | VXIMZ=0 | VXZDZ=0 | VXIDI=0 | VXISI=0 | VXSNAN=0 | XX=0 | ZX=0 | UX=0 | OX=0 | VX=0 | FEX=0 | FX=0]
Other retroarch homebrews pass exitprocessspawn2 error and shows something else - look at Pointman or standalone Snes9xn

Some elfs works when directly booted from directory. For example mame 078 pictures from rsx debugger and log:

Added complete tty log
RetroArch [WARN] :: Started from Salamander, auto-game start disabled.
RetroArch [ERROR] :: cellGameBootCheck() Error: 0x8002cb09.
RetroArch: Loading default config.
RetroArch: Environ SET_VARIABLES.
RetroArch: Core option:
RetroArch:     Description: Frameskip
RetroArch:     Key: mame2003-frameskip
RetroArch:     Current value: 0
RetroArch:     Possible values:
RetroArch:         0
RetroArch:         1
RetroArch:         2
RetroArch:         3
RetroArch:         4
RetroArch:         5
RetroArch: Core option:
RetroArch:     Description: MK2/MK3 DCS Speedhack
RetroArch:     Key: mame2003-dcs-speedhack
RetroArch:     Current value: disabled
RetroArch:     Possible values:
RetroArch:         disabled
RetroArch:         enabled
RetroArch: Video @ fullscreen
RetroArch [WARN] :: 0RGB1555 pixel format is deprecated, and will be slower. For 15/16-bit, RGB565 format is preferred.
RGLGCM resource: MClk: 650.000000 Mhz NVClk: 500.000000 Mhz
RGLGCM resource: Video Memory: 249 MB
RGLGCM resource: localAddress mapped at c0000000
RGLGCM resource: push buffer at 302bf000 - 302ff000 (size = 0x40000), offset=0xbf000
RGLGCM resource: dma control at 26db000
RetroArch: [PSGL Context]: Setting triple buffering.
RetroArch: Found GL context: ps3
RetroArch: Detecting screen resolution 1280x720.
RetroArch: [GL]: Vendor: RetroArch, Renderer: RGL.
RetroArch: [GL]: Version: 2.00.
RetroArch: Querying GL extension: ARB_texture_float => exists
RetroArch: GL: Using resolution 1280x720
RetroArch: [GL]: Using Cg shader backend.
RetroArch: Loading stock Cg file.
RetroArch: GL: Using 4 textures.
RetroArch: GL: Loaded 1 program(s).
RetroArch [ERROR] :: ps3graphics_load_jpeg(): error.
RetroArch: No ROM, starting dummy core.
=== Build =======================================
Compiler: SNC (34001) 32-bit
Built: Mar 10 2014
RetroArch: [CPUID]: VMX: 1
RetroArch: Environ SET_PIXEL_FORMAT: RGB565.
RetroArch: Version of libretro API: 1
RetroArch: Compiled against API: 1
RetroArch: Set audio input rate to: 29970.03 Hz.
RetroArch: GL VSync => on
RetroArch: Video @ 960x720
RetroArch: Reinitializing textures (512 x 512 @ 16 bpp)
RetroArch: Reiniting FBO.
RetroArch: Sinc resampler [C]
RetroArch: SINC params (12 phase bits, 8 taps).
RetroArch: SRAM will not be saved.
RetroArch: rarch_main_init_wrap() succeeded.
RetroArch: GL VSync => on

304 posts 59 threads Joined: Oct 2017
09-03-2015, 11:03 AM -
Retro Arch cannot be started normally. I use option boot elf/self and then load particular elf from usrdir/cores catalog. Then apprars retroarch gui similar to all emulators/cores. I set Write color buffer.

304 posts 59 threads Joined: Oct 2017
09-14-2015, 10:31 PM -
Gambatte works. Nice, isnt it Smile

Screens from GBC and GB rescpectively, from emu placed in other folder than retroarch but it doesnt matter

Sound looks like works, but at 3fps i cannot be nice.

09-14-2015, 10:32 PM -
With what settings?

304 posts 59 threads Joined: Oct 2017
09-14-2015, 10:37 PM -
Write color buffers on

FCEUM works too, slower than gbc lol. Sound works

304 posts 59 threads Joined: Oct 2017
11-06-2015, 12:27 AM -
Some new screens.

GBC in VBAnext librerto

And mame librerto (some random game but nice fps)

sakura leite costa

11-06-2015, 07:36 AM -
the retroarch only some read emulator
Recompilation Engine all emulator after some time min 2 to read stop

Capcom CPS-1/2/3
mega drive
Sega Master
sega 1000
gameboy color
gameboy avd
super nintendo
Capcom CPS-1/2/3

nao le
mega drive 32x
mega drive cd
Bandai WonderSwan
Bandai WonderSwan color
Turbografx 16/PC-Engine

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