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Onimusha Soul [NPJB00304] - Printable Version

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Onimusha Soul [NPJB00304] - Muta - 02-26-2025

-SYS: RPCS3 v0.0.34-17529-e97bfecb Alpha Master
-SYS Ryzen 7 3700x 8-Core 3.60GHz, 24GB Ram, 
-SYS W11 Pro 24H2O Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.26100.48.
-RSX Nvidia RTX2070Super Driver version 572.16 

Loadable Capcom, Onimusha Soul, loads but then does not get beyond the logo loading screen

RE: 鬼武者Soul [NPJB00304] - Ani - 02-27-2025

Game shows image, so it's Intro, not Loadable

Also, missing the log file