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Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction - Screen flickering in pause menu with weapon. - Printable Version

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Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction - Screen flickering in pause menu with weapon. - Nightowl - 03-16-2020

Game: Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction
RPCS3 Version: 0.0.9-9930-33d01fd2 Alpha

CPU: Ryzen 5 2600
GPU: GeForce RTX 1060 6gb (latest GeForce driver)
OS: Windows 10 Pro
RAM: 32gb (2 x 16gb)
Monitor: Dell S2716DG - 2560x1440, 144hz refresh rate

I decided to give R&C: Tools of Destruction another try when I saw the update video stating improved performance for RPCS3. Previously (as in earlier this week) I had faced game-locking freezes at random moments which really hindered the gameplay. I haven't tried it out long enough on this new build to see if that's still a problem. But I digress; that's not my issue here.

On both builds, previous and current, my screen would begin to strobe rapidly when in certain menus while selecting over a weapon. These would include:
  • Upgrade Weapon menu (vendor)
  • Weapon menu (pause screen)
  • Quick Select menu (pause screen) but only while a weapon was selected
  • Planet selection menu
I couldn't find this issue anywhere else on the forums, and any other regards to "flickering" were about in-game renders from what I could see. I've included a video below showing this error, but it may not display every moment that it happens if it's not played at the highest quality I've noticed...

Does anyone know why this error in the game is happening? I am not sure if it a setting I need to change on RPCS3 or if it's just a bug that everyone has faced due to RPCS3. This is the only game I've tried with it, so I would not know. Please let me know if the logs were properly sent.

>Link to logs< (hopefully I did it correctly).

RE: Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction - Screen flickering in pause menu with weapon. - Nightowl - 04-02-2020

Hey, update. This was fixed by turning off Write Color Buffers under GPU. I have Spikol on Discord to thank for figuring this out.