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Any way for RPCS3 to create new log files instead of overwriting old ones? - Printable Version

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Any way for RPCS3 to create new log files instead of overwriting old ones? - moccor - 11-23-2019

Is there a setting for this somewhere? The logs have all the info to distinguish them, but they overwrite each other. So if doing a test and I forget to save the log, its instantly gone. They are only like 8MB each and can be deleted in seconds when needed but a overwritten log can never be retrieved.

RE: Any way for RPCS3 to create new log files instead of overwriting old ones? - Ani - 11-23-2019

Nope. There is an old_logs folder which has the previous log file you had, but that's it.
You'd have to write a script that archives them for you always before running the executable in the way you wish.

RE: Any way for RPCS3 to create new log files instead of overwriting old ones? - moccor - 11-24-2019

I feel like whenever I am playing with RPCS3 I forget about the log. What do you mean write a script? If there is software or a guide to do it I can follow it and it would be greatly useful for providing logs, but I personally do not know how to write anything like that.

RE: Any way for RPCS3 to create new log files instead of overwriting old ones? - Ani - 11-24-2019

If you're on Windows, you can use a small .bat script that:

- moves the current logs outside the directory to a backup directory
- runs rpcs3.exe

And then execute it every time you run rpcs3 instead of directly running the executable

Something like [Image: 1.png]

You just have to change the directory to be rpcs3, the log file name to rpcs3.log or rpcs3.log.gz (optionally add another move command for the tty.log) and then after the move command just add a new line containing "rpcs3.exe" (without the quotes)

Then save as scriptname.bat and run it

RE: Any way for RPCS3 to create new log files instead of overwriting old ones? - moccor - 11-25-2019

Edit: Ok, I think I figured it out and have it working great, though I could learn some more to auto zip or create individual folders, but I think this is good enough to enjoy RPCS3 but also provide the necessary log files for reports.

@echo off

ROBOCOPY E:\Emulators\PS3\rpcs3-v0.0.7-9125-0ff5938b_win64-3 E:\Emulators\PS3\rpcs3-v0.0.7-9125-0ff5938b_win64-3\LOGS RPCS3.log
ROBOCOPY E:\Emulators\PS3\rpcs3-v0.0.7-9125-0ff5938b_win64-3 E:\Emulators\PS3\rpcs3-v0.0.7-9125-0ff5938b_win64-3\LOGS RPCS3.log.gz
ROBOCOPY E:\Emulators\PS3\rpcs3-v0.0.7-9125-0ff5938b_win64-3 E:\Emulators\PS3\rpcs3-v0.0.7-9125-0ff5938b_win64-3\LOGS TTY.log

REN "E:\Emulators\PS3\rpcs3-v0.0.7-9125-0ff5938b_win64-3\LOGS\RPCS3.log" "%date:/=-% %time::=-%.RPCS3.log"
REN "E:\Emulators\PS3\rpcs3-v0.0.7-9125-0ff5938b_win64-3\LOGS\RPCS3.log.gz" "%date:/=-% %time::=-%.RPCS3.log.gz"
REN "E:\Emulators\PS3\rpcs3-v0.0.7-9125-0ff5938b_win64-3\LOGS\TTY.log" "%date:/=-% %time::=-%.TTY.log"


Thanks for the help Ani